At Disneyland the other night…
Me: "Hey, that blond lady looks like Cristina."
Them: (eye-rolling, full-body complaining ensues..) "Not again, Mom! Who’s Cristina?"
Me: "She’s like the Cuban Oprah, but that’s not important right now."
Them: "Why is there an elaborate platform in front of the castle tonight?"
"Why are there tv cameras everywhere?"
"Look at all those young brides!"
Me: "Ahem. . .not brides… those are fifteen-year olds, celebrating their dream quinceañera with CRISTINA SARALEGUI here at Disneyland." (the blond lady from earlier – I was RIGHT!!)
Them: "You always know such random stuff."
Me: "I know. It’s a gift. . . and a curse." =D
You certainly seem to find yourself in interesting circumstances, with interesting people. Huckabee and Cristina only the latest to cross paths with you. Tienes un angelito!Love your castle! For a near shut-in like me, your blog makes me feel like I have been places!
Norita -Your life is much more exotic than mine! I just seem to have “happy accidents.” =D
whenever i stumble upon your blog i notice that you (and amy) will bring up a subject that im expecting you to ‘esplain’ or at least talk about, but then you just leave me cold with –thats not important right now.and im just wondering…when IS it going to be important???