I did the math.
(probably because I had math on the brain this week. =D)
I have been a Drama Mom for twenty-two years. (I know. I’ve probably been a Drama Queen for much, much longer, but that’s not important right now. =D) And I still clearly remember the moment Amy toddled across the stage in a tutu and wings as an angel in the church play. I have the 72 pictures to prove it (and that was all the way back in the prehistoric PRINT film era).
I applauded and cheered and shed a few tears because that was MY BABY and wasn’t she adorable??
I should be an old pro by now, shouldn’t I? Having given birth to four theater geeks (and because I can do stuff) means that I have worked snack bars and sewn costumes and sold tickets and printed programs and been a backstage mom and sent flowers and applauded (loudly) when my offspring made their entrances and have stood for lots of ovations.
I shared the trials and tribulations of making costumes last year for the cast of Seussical and making Lucy’s (Gertrude McFuzz) tail grow.
But yesterday, as I was watching the rehearsal for our homeschool program’s spring show, Disney’s High School Musical, I just about lost it.
Because it is my sweet, quiet, mild-mannered Jonathan’s turn. He will be playing Ryan (the theater geek who wears the hats =D) in the show and frankly, I was a little worried that he couldn’t do it. He is quite the comedian at home and with close friends, but he tends to be quieter in a larger group. I sat in on the rehearsal yesterday and was blown away by his ability to dance (!!), his wonderful sense of timing, his ability to sing on key, and his comedic stage presence. Who knew??
And the tears just slipped out because. . .
That’s MY BABY and isn’t he adorable? 😉
Adorable doesn’t even begin to cover it. Though I don’t know him well, it’s obvious that Jonathan has a spark and charisma that’s hard to describe. I can describe it like this. He’s just like you that way.Besitos,
Jessica commented to me after practice yesterday that she thought he was doing a great job too :o)