Yes, she’s wearing real precious stones and fine gold.
And yes, she’s taking that turkey apart with her bare hands.
Meet my sister, Helen.
A class act.
But she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty.
That’s so wonderfully telling about the type of person she is.
Today is her happy birthday.
And no, I’m not allowed to tell how old she is, but she was in high school when I was born. (!!)
She has two pretty fabulous kids, Al and Helen del Carmen (we prefer calling her "del Taco"), who is married to the hard-working, Daryl. She also claims my two favorite grands, Daisy and Ben.
Because Amy will also have candles to blow out in a few days, we’re celebrating both birthdays tonight.
Chayanne is in concert at the venue formerly known as The Arrowhead Pond, but is now The Honda Center in Anaheim. Even Lucy signed up for this field trip!
Amy and I are vets.
We saw Chayanne last year with Alejandro Fernandez and Marc Anthony.
It’s going to be a fabulous evening. FABULOUS.
We’ll be celebrating with Chayanne.
Yes, of course I cooked.
I cooked Arroz Frito at Babalú today. 😉
Now I deserve a night off. =D
Change the lyric "hermano" to ‘hermana" and it applies perfectly, well, maybe not perfectly, but you get the picture….
Tu eres mi hermano del alma realmente el amigo
que en todo camino o jornada esta siempre conmigo
Aunque eres un hombre aun tienes el alma de un niño
aquel que me da su amistad, su respeto y cariño
Recuerdo que juntos pasamos muy duros momentos
y tu no cambiaste por fuerte que fueron los vientos
es tu corazon una casa de puertas abiertas
tu eres realmente el mas cierto en horas inciertas
En ciertos momentos dificiles que hay en la vida
buscamos aquien nos ayude a encontrar la salida
y aquella palabra de fuerza y de fe que me has dado
me da la certeza que siempre estubiste a mi lado
Tu eres mi amigo del alma en toda jornada
sonrisa y abrazo festivo a cada llegada
me dices verdades tan grandes con frases abiertas
tu eres realmente el mas cierto en horas inciertas
No preciso ni decir
todo esto que te digo
pero es bueno asi sentir
que eres tu mi gran amigo
No preciso ni decir
todo esto que te digo
pero es bueno asi sentir
que eres tu mi gran amigo
No preciso ni decir
todo esto que te digo
pero es bueno asi sentir
que eres tu mi gran amigo
The image of your sister with her chicken covered jewelry is so familiar–I saw it every night in my kitchen growing up. Also, we used to sing that song in kindergarten. Our teacher told us it was about “Papa Dios” and I’ve always interpreted it that way since. Happy, happy celebrations to all.
Chantel -I LOVE that interpretation of that song.
I’ll never be able to listen to it without thinking of God now. Oh yeah.. and you, too. =D