This is what happens when you have creative women in the house and a rip in the knees of your jeans.
I think I remember it being last year’s JCrew catalog that showed patched jeans for about $300. (!!)
At times like these I make my kids repeat these magical words:
"Mi mamá cose."
"My mother sews."
Seriously, all that good Cuban-Wife-in-Training stuff comes in handy in times of fashion emergencies. =D
So when Lucy’s jeans fell victim to her bicycle chain and a fierce game of tag, she decided she could probably patch them herself. Aren’t they so cool?
So she wore her new/old patched jeans to Junior High Day last week and guess what?
That’s right. Now she has a stack of jeans from her friends requesting patches.
She’s thinking a website… ebay… maybe a blog…
The apple does not fall far from the tree. (sigh)
Gorgeous, Amy! Well done! (That’s what the Brits say…) Do you do mail order?
HA! Susan, I’m touched that you think I’m that amazing and skinny . . . but no such luck. It was all Lucy. I’m well practiced in the art of “Mi Mama cose” and when MY jeans ripped, I made my Mama “cose” them. 😉 Just like she did that Medieval Prom dress . . . and my entire wardrobe all through Jr. High (don’t tell Lucy) 🙂
Cool jeans. i was dong that in 1968 or was it 1969?
I was talking to my boyfriend last night and he said that one of the things he likes (*loves!*) about me is that I will mend his clothes. “It’s no big deal,” I told him. “I know how to sew. Why wouldn’t I do it for you?””A lot of women wouldn’t,” he said. “And a lot of women don’t even know how to sew!”
I have darned his socks, replaced the buttons on his dad’s old Burberry coat (with authentic leather buttons I found on eBay, hemmed pants, etc. Tailors charge a lot of money. I used to sew all my own clothes. A smart woman saves on things like this so there is more money for important stuff! (And doing cositas asi para tu hombre makes him feel very special!)
class factotum -The fact that you would do those little things for him is what makes you a Cuban goddess in his eyes.
You are a smart woman. =D