Onthe 23rd Day of the Month of September in an early year of a decade not too long before our own, the human race suddenly encountered a deadly threat to its very existence, and this terrifying enemy surfaced as such enemies often do in the seemingly most innocent and unlikely of places... Mission Viejo, California. =D I have something to ...
Finding comfort in swirls of milk
Tuesday is the day we do Science.In this case, Earth Science. This is Jonathan's experiment and his write up. I know I usually include recipes, but he asked me to share it, so I'm going to.Here's an example of what 6th grade Science looks like in the Darby Home School... What I used:1 cup of milk red food coloring blue food ...
Our motto? Laugh. Eat. Play.
The kids are out of school and in this part of the country it's like a feeding frenzy trying to get kids signed up for "camps." Yes. That's the hip thing to do. (of course, I am anything but hip - sigh)If you don't know how to just be with and enjoy your child or help them entertain themselves for the summer, you sign them ...