It's always a great pleasure for me to share about a Cuban author whose voice I genuinely love. Let me introduce you - if you don't already know her - to Christina Diaz Gonzalez. A few years ago I met Christina in Miami and read her beautiful book, The Red Umbrella.ABOUT OPERATION PEDRO PAN Some background for the story that's not very well ...
Christina Diaz Gonzalez
MBFCF Giveaway Week is over – And the Winners are…
Thank you. I'm so grateful that so many of you joined in my 6th Blogiversary Celebration Week. I am humbled by your wonderful response and good wishes. I so love when you play along with me, but that's not important right now.Sometimes I think I've told all the stories I have to tell and that I don't have one creative bone ...
Cuando Sali de Cuba (or not) – Christina’s Story (MBFCF Giveaway #4)
Marta here: I first met Christina, author of The Red Umbrella, a couple of years ago at Cuba Nostalgia in Miami. My first impression of her was that she was "the real deal." She cares deeply about her subject matter because, in the case of The Red Umbrella, it is very close to her family's story. She has been gracious enough to share ...
Link Love
I've been blogging here at MBFCF for almost four years (Wow! That's like high school!) now. I love blogging as an a creative outlet. Not only because it's my blog and I can write pretty much whatever I want, but also because I get feedback. And for the most part, that feedback is positive, which makes me happy. I enjoy blogging ...
The Red Umbrella – a giveaway.
There is an episode in Cuban history that not many people outside of our community are aware of . When Castro and his cronies took power, not only was personal property at risk of being confiscated by the new communist government, but parents were going to lose their rights over their own children. Desperate and terrified Cuban parents made ...