This post is in partnership with Warner Bros. Pictures I often say that I love living at this time in history for many reasons. One of my biggest loves is technology. Let me be more specific: I love that I have access to any and every movie on DVD and Blu-Ray. Today all that love goes to my friends at Warner Brothers Home ...
May The 4th Be With You
It was May 1977 and I was turning 22 years old. I celebrated that birthday enjoying dinner with friends. After which we decided to go see a new film called Star Wars. Back then we knew nothing about the phenomenon it would turn out to be, of course. And, to be honest, the posters that advertised it looked a little hokey. You know the rest of the ...
Esta Es Tu Cuba
In November I had the distinct honor of viewing a wonderful film that had already won multiple awards including a Studet Academy Award. The title is Esta Es Tu Cuba and it's the very personal story of Director Brian Robau's father, who left Cuba as a Pedro Pan. That tragic and yet hopeful part of our history brought 14,408 unaccompanied Cuban ...
Feeling the Force in Star Wars: The Last Jedi
I was a guest of Disney for this event. All opinions are my own.At the beginning of this month I received an amazing, but cryptic invitation to the Global Press Conference for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. (!) I know. Shut up. In the email were the enigmatic words: Location to be disclosed later. Of course, I accepted right away. But where was it ...
All the Fun From The Thor:Ragnarok Press Junket
A few weeks ago I was delighted to be able to attend the Thor:Ragnarok pre-screening and press junket. I'll tell you all about the film on Friday, but right now I want to share my take-away from the press junket. Jon and I had seen the film the night before and couldn't stop talking about it for days."That scene in Hulk's room! LOL!" "The ...
“You have to see this movie.” Chef Movie Review and Cubanos
"You have to see this movie." I love conversations that begin this way. With a command. That means my friend, who knows me intimately, has something to share that I would love. And, in this case, MUST SEE. Further explanation comes: "It's got salsa music and Cuban food. You have to see this movie." There's ...
12 Days of Cucufate
Every year at Christmastime, I make it a point to find a really fun live show to enjoy with my girls. It's one of our favorite traditions and it has become kind of a big thing. We start searching for shows and tickets early in the fall. And we fret and argue and try to choose a really fun show. This is what happened the year when Amy ...
Voices From Mariel – a Screening (or 2 or 3)
**The following post was written and brought to you by the one and only Kikita. Marta and the rest of the big, fat, Cuban family are currenty cruising to Puerto Rico** Mami, Marta, has been collecting your Cuando Sali de Cuba stories for quite some time now getting ready for Hispanic Heritage Month. What better way to kick off the month than with a ...
This Girl
I fell in love with this girl the moment I first laid eyes on her. It was August 11, 1993. Today is the 18th Anniversary of the Beginning of the Love Affair.Her good friends, Brandon and David made the following film in her honor, with a little help from her brother, Jonathan and a few willing strangers. Get some popcorn.And let the ...
The Help – And the winners are…
Thank you again for your willingness to share your stories. (And for letting me share mine!) If you must know, my very favorite character, especially in the film, was Celia Foote. I loved how she totally disarmed Minny with her innocence - or was it ignorance?And the winners of the giveaways are: The Dreamworks The Help Gift Pack goes to:A ...