There is a direct line from our senses to our memories – especially smell and taste.
The comments I have gotten so far in response to this feature attest to that. The smell and flavor of Cuban food has a certain distinction. It is inexorably linked to our best memories of family – safety and comfort and all things familiar.
I was hesitant at first to share my recipes, because we Cubans are sooo opinionated about everything. Especially our food.
“NO ONE makes (fill in the blank with your favorite Cuban dish) like my abuela.”
And you know what? It’s true.
My four kids will tell you the same thing about me. They think I am an amazing cook and will eat just about anything I serve them. The only things they ever question are what they consider to be “Guajiro Food” or what’s known in my house as “War Hero Food.”
War Hero Food falls under the following categories:
Anything thick or with texture.
Puré or Potaje.
Does it involve root vegetables?
Can it be eaten with either a spoon OR a fork? =D
This particular blend of tastes actually surprised them. (“Hey, Mikey!”)
I know all you Babalú War Heroes will enjoy it, too.
Tamal en Cazuela
1 lb. Lean boneless pork shoulder cut into very small bite-size cubes (or you could just grind it – I prefer the bits of pork)
3 cloves garlic – finely chopped
Juice of 1 or 2 limes
3 Tbsp. Olive oil
1 small onion – finely chopped
¼ green bell pepper, seeded & finely chopped
2 (8 oz.) cans tomato sauce
1 cup dry white wine
1 tsp. cumin
1 ½ cups yellow corn meal
2 (14 oz.) cans sweet CREAM STYLE corn
2 cups water
1 tsp.Salt
½ tsp. Pepper
1) Squeeze the lime over the pork bits and garlic. (I LOVE lime in anything – so to me, more is better.)
2) In a large frying pan, brown the lime-drenched pork with the chopped garlic over medium-high heat. (careful not to burn the garlic, or it will get bitter.)
3) Turn down the heat and add olive oil, onion, and bell pepper and sauté until onion is translucscent.
4) Add tomato sauce and wine. Let it simmer on low while you prepare the corn mixture:
5) Mix together the corn meal, cumin, salt, pepper, and sweet creamed corn – put it in a food processor or blender and let it whirl until it’s well blended and you get a thick liquid.
6) Put this mixture into a big pot. Add the water and stir together. Add the contents of the frying pan.
7) Cook over medium heat until it starts bubbling (just a few minutes). Then simmer on low for about 20 minutes stirring often to keep from sticking.
When you can do “The Amazing Spoon Trick,” you’ll know it’s done. =D
Oh my god, my Cuban grandfather used to make this, but I always thought it was a random, made up family recipe. He called it “pot tamale” (he never taught his kids to speak Spanish) and the only recipe I had was told over the phone to me by my father, who still makes it for family gatherings. We don’t use white wine or tomato, but we do a sofrito with a “Sazón” spice mixture, but I’m curious to modify the recipe a bit. Thanks for sharing!
Martica me encanta tu site. I have graduated and in a few short months I’ll be a “grandma” I still have no idea what I want th edd baby to call me. I want something Cuban but abuela is so hard.
In my 41 years of life is a bit difficult as I came from Cuba when I was 12. I feelvery much 100 % cuban and 100% American. Miercoles!!!
I or de er the recipe book to gift to my daughter as I cook sin MEDIDAS. HAHA
Gracias por tu dedication a mantener el espiritu cubano vivo.
The baby will decide what to call you and is so endearing.
Mine called ne Yeya.🤣 it remains me of las galletas Yeya que vendian en Cuba BC.
By the way Martica I love your site
I love your Cuban food recipes
More authentic than anything on Google.
True that we are very opinionated but I always tweak recipes to my liking.
I have been looking for a recipe similar to what I remember my mother making. I only attempted this once many years ago…I used some peppers in it for a “kick” that my husband wanted. I’m glad to add more of my mother’s food to my treasure trove of recipes, she never measured and we never wrote anything down. I remember many attempts at empanada dough before discos were available in stores. My oldest son makes a mean roast pork and I do the Empanadas, rellenos de papas, Arroz con pollo, picadillo and croquettes. I am interested in your cookbook. Thanks for helping us “immigrants” keep our heritage alive!
What is the trick with the spoon? Thanks
Yes, we’re opinionated but we do have the best food in the WORLD!!!
This recipe is a shortcut of the original, which is done with fresh ground corn. In Miami you can buy the maíz fresco molido en molino at the Casa de los Jugos to make the Tamal en Cazuela, it’s a major difference in the taste and texture.
This recipe is a shortcut of the original, which is done with fresh ground corn. In Miami you can buy the maíz fresco molido en molino at the Palacio de los Jugos to make the Tamal en Cazuela, it’s a major difference in the taste and texture.
I have a question maybe you can help me out, I follow a Cuban lady on YouTube and she always says that you have to buy the Cuban fresh corn not the American corn, what is the difference? I know it’s not coming from Cuba LOL
I bought the fresh ground corn to make tamal en casuela but I cannot find a recipe.
Is there a source you could recommend for making it using the fresh ground corn?
Yes! That is how my mother used to do it. I have try it with corm meal and, no, way, it is not the same in flavor and texture. I do not live in Miami and can not find the fresh corn anywhere.
I had two wonderful grandmothers. I called one “abita” and the other one “yeyé”. One died and the other one I never saw again after I left Cuba in 1961. I was her only grandchild.
Hi Marta! 1st off I love your site & especially your recipes. I was looking for a regular plain ol’ Cuban Tamal recipe when I found this one for tamal en cazuela and am planningto make it soon. I live in the Antelope Valley of L.A. County (total desert area) and can’t find fresh yellow corn. Do you have a recipe for tamales that can be made with canned corn? Thanks for all your yummy recipes & great stories!
Lourdes, hope my answer isn’t too late. My elementary school cubanita bff and her mom use frozen corn kernels that they defrost the night before. Then they put them thru a grinder and add the fine corn flour. Hope this helps! Feliz Navidad 🎄
after I make the mixture.and the tamale stands with the spoon I put in foil paper and wrap it up and pit it thru boiling water to cook thru some more to make the tamale shape correct.