I love my garden.
I love getting my hands dirty as I plant and re-pot and freshen my flower beds.
It’s not that I don’t own gardening gloves. I do. Multiple pairs. But there’s something magical and healing about feeling the soil on my hands and touching the roots as I gently press the plants I’m re-potting into their new larger containers.
And the movement of the fresh, brown earth slipping through my fingers is practically a religious experience for me.
I may or may not also talk to my flowers and encourage them to do a little bit better this year. Of course I help them with this. Technically, Scotts helps them with this, but that’s not important right now. I’m still the one who gives them the pep talk, so that’s something.
The other day, my mom – Luza, who is 101 years old – calls. She has some great old pots that need Summer flowers in them. When can I come get them? It’s almost Summer, you know.
I have inherited 3 great loves from my mom, for which I’m extremely grateful: 1) Reading, 2) Cooking, and 3) Gardening.
So I pick up the pots and I bring them home. On the way back, I stop at Walmart and pick up some Scotts Miracle-Gro® Garden Soil as I start dreaming of the possibilities.
And I immediately went over to mijardinalidad.com and followed the Spring Garden Planting Guide and used that as a checklist for cleaning and sprucing up my garden. The tip about preparing the soil for planting is my very favorite part as this involves getting my hands really dirty.
As I pick out flowers and decide which pots to put them in, I get completely lost in what I’m doing. It’s kind of like painting.
The sunflowers look pretty spectacular against the white picket fence, don’t you think?
And this old wooden furniture seems more than happy to start its new life being repurposed this way. I stand back extremely pleased with myself. The new old pots also seem to be quite pleased with their new tenants.
As for me, I have washed my hands, even though I have a bit more planting to do, but I will save that for tomorrow, at which time I can also start planning for our Outdoor Summer Movie Nights, because SUMMER!
Remember to always read and follow label directions for the referenced products.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Scotts. The opinions and text are all mine.