My mom calls. "Van a ir al tri-co-tri?" She's asking if the kids are going out and Trick or Treating. El Tri-co-tri. You have to say it phonetically, TREE-COH-TREE. It's what Trick or Treat sounds like with a Cuban accent. The "El" is just to make it grammatically correct. El Tri-co-tri. Noun. (Or verb?) The act of dressing up and begging for ...
Archives for October 2011
The “Sanweech Plancha” Winner
You know what I love about my readers? That you come in all shapes and sizes and have extraordinary taste in sandwiches. I confess that I'm surprised that a lot of you don't have your own sandwich "plancha." How do you grill, not just a Classic Cuban Sandwich, but what about a pan con lechón? Or a pan con bistec? (I may ...
The Sandwich Generation – A Rant, a Classic Cuban Sandwich Recipe, and a Giveaway
The term, "sandwich generation" is used to describe those adults who are caring for aging parents while still actively parenting their kids. While I'm grateful that my sisters and I share the load of caring for my 97 year old mom, Luza, I still feel the push-pull of having teenagers in the house and helping my mom with her ...
Cuando Sali de Cuba – Video Giveaway Winners
I hope you are all loving the Cuando Sali de Cuba stories as much as I am. I feel so honored that I can give so many of you a place to share. It is my hope that the stories of how and why we are exiles will finally be told and get some traction. The films I'm giving away today are a must-see for Cubans everywhere. Please visit the Voices from ...
Cuando Sali de Cuba – So many stories… and a giveaway
As you know, I am passionate about story telling. I believe it's important for all of us to record our personal histories. Much more so those of us whose stories are woven into a larger historical context. I've been so honored to be able to share some of your stories recently in the series Cuando Sali de Cuba: stories of courage and ...
Cuando Sali de Cuba – Mica’s Story
Marta here. I hope you're enjoying this series: Cuando Sali de Cuba, stories of courage and hope. Every time I receive an email with "Cuando Sali de Cuba" in the subject line I get super excited. I seriously love that you are all so generous to share your lives with this blog. I know so many of these stories ...
Cuando Sali de Cuba – Lillian’s Story
Marta here. I started collecting stories from other Cuban Americans to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. I realize now that our stories will take much longer than just a month to tell, so I'm expanding this series for as long as I have contributed stories to share. Thank you, my friends, for the privilege of letting me tell about your ...
Mizkan® Challenge # 4 – My Favorite Light Recipe – Pan Roasted Asparagus!
As you know, I've been privileged to take part in a series of Cooking Challenges by Mizkan® along with several other Latina bloggers. You can find my other challenge recipes (& videos!) here, here, and here. This week's challenge is My Favorite Light Recipe. It was kind of fun to take a recipe that I usually make with ...
The Neon Boneyard Adventure
Eric and I just got back from a really fun getaway to Las Vegas. As you know, we go to Vegas a few times a year (because we can, and because my very favorite childhood hearthrob lives very close to there. *sigh*). And we pretty much know the place by heart. We have seen lots of great shows there and stayed at some of the best hotels. My big, ...
Jif Peanut Butter and Amazon Kindle Winner
As I told you last Friday, I spent the weekend in Las Vegas and just got home a few hours ago. Imagine my surprise (and delight!) to find so many comments on the post for the Jif® Peanut Butter and Amazon Kindle giveaway! Thanks to all of you for sharing the peanut butteriness of your world. I want to take a moment to thank the Jif® ...