My mom, Luz, the 95 year old, is coming to spend the weekend with us. She doesn't live far and my sisters and I take turns hosting her a few times a month. So this weekend it's our turn.
My mom is pretty amazing, but to be honest, she can be a real pain sometimes as only a nonagenarian can be. She insists on having things her way and for the most part she goes with the flow (or I just back down and give her what she wants, but that's not important right now).
And while I'm the one who cooks and feeds her and entertains her and helps her bathe and run her errands and all that, there is another unsung hero who puts up with his stubborn, opinionated Cuban mother-in-law.
And he does it with such grace….
This argument was happening after midnight (!) on Friday night in Las Vegas just outside the Paris Hotel where we had had a wonderful meal at John & Jennifer's wedding reception. Eric was feeling tired. Luza was feeling lucky!
She wanted to stay and play some more. He was explaining the situation..He quickly took charge of the moment as my mom muttered something that in Spanish translated to "buzz-kill"….
He managed to get her over to the valet and into the car in the most gracious manner.
I'm so grateful that I'm married to a man who understands how sexy it is to see him caring for my mom.
I feel so blessed. I married a GOOD MAN.
Like I said, she'll be with us this weekend, I need to get a head start…… Happy Weekend!
You are blessed my friend. Very blessed in deed.By the way, is that Luzy in the black dress and did she get her hair cut? It look very nice. 😉
You said “sexy.”
So, is Kikita throwing one HUGE party this weekend at Abuela’s?!!!….;)Good job, Eric … but it’s hard for me to conceive how a 95-yr-old out-lasted you in Vegas!
Great story!
In reference to my husband. It’s O-KAY.(Deal with it.)
Yep, that’s Lucy sporting the new shorter do and cute little black dress.Don’t say it. I know. *sigh*
I married one of those too. Yes, I am lucky but I hate it when he makes it look so effortless. How do they do that?xoxo
Sssshhhhh. George! Don’t out me!
I’m going to have Abuela say it in reference to Papi and then we will see how YOU feel about hearing your mother say “sexy.”:-p