This morning I found this blocking the way to our side gate…
Admittedly it's an amazing thing of beauty, if you can detach from the thoughts of the size of the spider that probably made it, (which I cannot because we were all in Lord of the Rings mode from earlier this week and I couldn't help but think of Shelob when I saw the size of this web, but that's not important right now). Eeewww!
I bet I can guess what that spider was thinking:
"If I pull this off, I'll eat like a KING!" =D
(For all of you Cubans reading this: Spider is #35 in La Charada China. Why do I know this stuff?? And what does it really mean to my actual life?)
Happy Wednesday!
Marta,That’s a really big web. I once saw one like that in a camp we went to and the Banana Spider was the one making the work of art. I don’t know if you have Banana Spiders in Cali. 😉 To be on the safe side, let’s play numbers 87 for banana and 35 for spider. This way we’re covered. 😉
My grandmother played this all the time. In fact, she used to call us to see what we dreamed about so that she could play. Most of the time, well…all of the time, my brother won. I never did. I guess my dreams weren’t that lucky. 😉
Some Pig! Did you check for a message? LOVE THE PICTURE!
Oye, dirle a Kikita que tenga cuidado con las aran~as!…No quiero que le pican otra ves!!!….;)
George,Thank you for remembering! My arachnophobia is so bad these days that I refuse to visit Mami’s house with that ugly web there. 🙂
I can barely stand to look at the picture in the post!
Pam,The Charlotte’s Web reference (which was awesome, BTW) made me look harder and I think the one raggedy side to the right of the web looks like it says “Crack” – as in “the woman who writes this blog is on _______.” =D
Or maybe it says “roach” like “cucaracha” which means
we’d have to play #48 in La Charada, but that’s not important right now. =D
Maybe we can play a new game called – “what do you think the web says?”
(How much fun are we having now, huh?)
That is absolutely beautiful!
I had never heard of the Cuban charada before and then today while chatting with my Cuban abuelita about my upcoming 35th birthday she mentioned it.That is one gorgeous web.