I publicly disclose a private fantasy today over at Babalú.
You're curious now, aren't you?
Don't get excited.
It's just another uber-geeky moment I've taken to the extreme.
I made this amazing caramely-coated-flaming-bananas-over-ice-cream-and-pound-cake dessert thing. (kind of like a Bananas Foster, but not….) but I need a better name than Marta's Bananas. (I know. yawn. but there was a good reason.)
Adam thought a fun name would be Flaming Bananas of Death.
I thought people might be put off by the "… of Death" part.
Go check out my recipe, then come back and let me know if you have any ideas for a new name – I'm open to suggestions….
Lucy says
Hmmm….What about Bananas Locos? Or… The Other Way To Cook Bananas.
Insert a noncommittal shrug here. =D
Hehe. I’ll leave the clever names up to you peeps.
Lucy D.
kristen benson says
you crack me up!
mario says
Howzabout “Banana Euphoria”?
Marta says
mario -Banana Euphoria is good, but doesn’t it seem to have a certain psychedelic-drug-use connotation? (and if it does, is that a bad thing?) =D
kristen Benson says
Bananas Magnificant (was thinking of that on the way home from swim lessons this morning) OR Marti’s Magnifient Bananas. I like MagnificAnt, though, it sounds more classy, polished, with more umph…
Marta says
kristen -I like it. It has a regal Latin sound to it.
Amy was the one who suggested Marta’s Bananas. (because of the craziness factor – as in, Marta IS Bananas.)
nora says
How’s about Marta’s Hot Bananas! Or Marta is Hot and so are her Bananas! Platanos Calientes a la Marti!Flaming Bananas a la Marti? I could go on but I probably shouldn’t!
mario says
Oh I dig Nora’s suggestion! Shorten it to “Platanos Marti” in honor of your creation and JOSE!
Marta says
Platanos Martí. I’m liking it. =D
Ody from Miami Lakes says
Bananas a la Marti (No pun intended) 😉
The Kangaroo says
I say keep the “of death” part. It adds a sense of danger and mystery ;D
death race says
That Marta Banana looks really delicious. I would really want to have some. Are there any tutorials or recipes that you can share?