My mom makes these famously Cuban authoritarian pronouncements.
When she says something, it is with an air of authority that will not tolerate any argument.
Of course, the way she says it immediately makes me question its validity, but since I was raised in a superstitious Cuban home, there is a small residue of what-if-it’s-really-true? somewhere in the back of my mind.
For example:
I mention to her that I’m really wanting a great set of knives for my kitchen.
"It’s Bad Luck to buy your own knives. It’s better if someone gives them to you as a gift."
Of course, the knives I am coveting are astronomically priced, which leaves me in a perfect no-win situation. I want the knives. But I can’t buy them for myself because it’s Bad Luck and I certainly can’t suggest to someone that they should spend this amount of money on knives for me, no matter how much they love me. Not to mention that new knives are a terrible gift choice for Valentine’s or birthdays no matter how skilled the cook. (sigh)
NOTE: Once something is pronounced to be Bad Luck it is pretty much tarnished forever and no amount of actual rational thinking can redeem it.
What to do?
Stew about it.
Fret about it.
Spend years cutting things with sub-standard knives.
Complain about said knives every single time you have to use them, which in my house is pretty much every. single. day.
My family either got:
a) tired of me complaining.
b) tired of using the dull knives we own.
c) stumped on what to get me for Christmas. (NOTE: Christmas gifting doesn’t technically fall under the Valentine or Birthday category of gifting because we give each other multiple gifts, so you wouldn’t just be giving someone knives as their only gift, which is a great relief to me, but that’s not important right now.)
d) all of the above.
So they got me The Knives for Christmas:
Which is a totally win-win situation because they know that now I will have Good Luck and I will not only stop complaining about my dull old knives, but I will probably be compelled to use my new knives a lot more often and my family will therefore benefit from their generous gift. Life is good.
By the way, I decided not to mention the new knives to my mom in case there was any other kind of Bad Luck Sub-clause attached to the knife gift. I would argue that I’m not superstitious anyway, but in cases like these, it’s just better not to know. 😉
So, what’s cooking this Thursday in Marta’s Cuban American Kitchen over at Babalú?
Frituras de Harina de Maiz (corn fritters or hush puppies).
And yes, I used the paring knife to dice up the onions nice and fine. You know I’m going to become insufferable now about the whole I’m-so-superior-with-my-rockin’-knives thing. It’s just that I’m so happy about my Good Luck! 😉
Amy (Marta's Eldest Daughter) says
You’re welcome! 😉
Val Prieto says
Well, not to rain on your parade or anything, but I always heard that it was bad luck to receive knives as a gift. So maybe the whol eluck thing balances out, in some weird Cuban lore kinda way.
Ms Calabaza says
Marta,I heard the same version as Val, but I was always told as long as you pay the person (a quarter? a penny?) for it ~ you avoid the bad karma. Why do we believe this stuff?!? I found myself cooking blackeye peas for New Years eve; I threw out a bucket of water from my back deck (neighbor thinks I’m whacked-out); and, I left money in my mailbox before we went out that evening (supposed to bring properity) . . . but no, I am not superstitious.
nora says
There is NOTHING like new, sharp, fancy-pants knives to get one super, or should I say uber(like my Cuban friend) happy in the kitchen!Bien hecho, familia!
Kristen Benson says
So cool! I got a new set of All Clad cookware for Christmas (I think my family was tired of me complaining about the old yucky pots and pans I had to use) next on my list is knives also…I saw a great set at Williams-Sonoma but alas after the All Clad I think I will have to wait for a few years using my substandard knives too…Happy chopping and cooking to you, my friend :o)
Marta says
Val & Ms. Calabaza -Nooooooo! Say it ain’t so!! I was trying to be so careful, too…..
So now, if I PAY the person I avoid the Bad Luck? I suppose I shouldn’t listen to my sometimes confused 93 year old mother….
But since it was from my family and I give them money all the time. . .does that count? Or do I have to specifically say it was “for the knives?” (she asks, wringing her hands in desperation…..)
Amy (Marta's Eldest Daughter) says
Val,Tell her she has to give money “for the knives” . . . 😉
C’mon Val, hook a chica up!
Lucy (Marta's Youngest Daughter) says
Fantastic post, Mom. You’re a gifted writer. So…have you ever defied the whole “this-is-bad-luck-and-if-you-do-it-you-will-be-cursed-for-eternity” thing? Do Luza’s superstitious predictions come true or not?? I would just like a heads up, if you don’t mind. 😉