I can’t say that I’m actually used to earthquakes, but having lived most of my life in Southern California I think I am pretty good at recognizing when the earth is quaking. Sometimes it’s so subtle, that all you notice is a hanging lamp or a curtain that is slightly swinging and then you wait for the swift shake that’s sure to follow.
I’ve lived through some big ones, so I would call myself Earthquake Experienced.
So I notice the ornaments on our Christmas tree swinging and immediately I yell, "earthquake!"
(I know these things, remember?)
Just as quickly, Eric corrects me: "Not an earthquake . . . it’s a cat!"
Me (tilting my head in a kind of confused puppy way): "huh?"
"El gato esta en el arbolito."
I understood what he said in English. . .
I just couldn’t wrap my brain around it in either language because I know a quaking tree can only mean one thing and that is that we’re having an earthquake!
Don’t panic!
Save yourselves!
Run for your lives!!
Oops. . .
I’m just going to go lay down before I hurt myself. (sigh)
keb says
Too funny! And the pic (is it nephret?) is purrfect.
Marta says
Keb,It IS Nefret who started the panic. Lucky for her she’s so sweet…. =D
norita says
Man, that must have been funny! It takes a very secure person to admit to such things. I will be seeing you soon, I hope, for some face time and hugging time and such. Can’t wait.N
Ziva says
LOL! I think we SoCal’s are getting jumpy because we know it’s coming, we haven’t had a good shake for awhile. Don’t you just sense we are due for a good 6.0 or better. So where is it? Everytime the wind rattles the windows I get ready to duck. I say let the faults slip, and let’s get it over with. Have you noticed how our pets know when the quakes are coming?
Rhonda says
TOO FUNNY! And just look at that face! Actually it probably WAS an earthquake and kitty just ran to the tree to hide safely….yep, I’m sure that’s what it was….