My two high school students, Lucy (17) and Jonathan (15), both had the privilege of attending the Young America's Foundation High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch Center last month. You can read about Lucy's adventures in Washington D.C. (which include a run in with the Capitol police) last year here. This was Jonathan's first ...
Young America's Foundation
Merchandising is not the same as Truth
Next week marks the anniversary of the death of mass-murderer Che Guevara. Many of us have had more than our share of run-ins with ignorant hipsters sporting t-shirts and messenger bags with the idealized image of the "revolutionary poster boy." Like most Cubans, I'm not shy about offering the truth of who Che was and why their ...
Tails from the Goose in D.C. – part 5 – Exercising our 1st Amendment Rights
Marta here: All this past week, I've been letting Lucy do the talking. Eric and I were pleased that she was able to attend the Young America's Foundation High School Conference in Maryland. Let me be perfectly clear: Yes, we are unapologetic Conservatives. I won't belabor the point by explaining (yet again!) that my family had to ...
Little Lucy Goose in Washington D.C. – Episode 4
If you have been following along, you know that my Lucy has been in Washington, D.C. for the Young America's Foundation conference and that I have not been able to focus on much else. She is finally home safe, but she enjoyed sending me emails so much (and having them posted on the blog) that she continued writing to me as if she were still ...
Tales of The Traveling Goose – Part 3. Things Get Hectic
My Lucy is 3,000 miles away in Chevy Chase, Maryland. She's at a Young America's Foundation conference for high school students and is busy making new friends and learning about the conservative principles that have made this country great. I'm delighted she's getting this opportunity, but as her mother, well....I'm pretty ...
Miss Lucy Goes to Washington – Part 1
My Lucy (Lucy Goose to you) is in Washington D.C. this week for a conference sponsored by Young America's Foundation. We're excited she was able to participate and I believe it will be a wonderful experience for her. What I was NOT prepared for was my own reaction as the realization hit me that she was going to be traveling ALONE. ...
My Man, Ron
My husband, Eric and I, had a wonderful opportunity recently to visit a little ranch just north of the city of Santa Barbara, California. To get there, we had to drive up a winding, bumpy, one-lane road. I kept thinking that surely our guide had made some mistake. We were way too high and in a place that seemed wild and uninhabitable. Still the ...