{DISCLOSURE: This post is sponsored by P&G & Bounty Paper Towels. All opinions that follow are my own.} One of the loveliest things in my life right now is the gift of my gorgeous grand-boys, Asher and Sebastian. While Asher is 2,980 miles away in Washington DC, Sebastian (you may call him Bash) lives 5 minutes away and is in our lives ...
empty nesting
Empty Nesting Like A Boss
{DISCLOSURE: This post is sponsored by P&G & Bounty Paper Towels. All opinions that follow are my own.} As I watch my daughter, Amy wrestle with her almost 2 year old, Sebastian, I often think to myself: “She has no idea how time will start accelarating from this point on.” As those of us who have raised children into adulthood very well ...
And…they’re off!
This is not the way I pictured it. I'm talking about my life as Eric and I approach our Twilight Years. Which are really more of a pale yellow at this point, but that's not important right now. Here's how I pictured it: My kids would all be grown and gone. I have never had any illusions that they'd stay home forever. That ...