I was having a conversation with my mom (Luza, who, by the way, is 100 years old) and I was telling her how weird it was to only have 1 of my kids left at home. Technically, even Jonathan is not here, because he's gone most of the time with school and auditions and driving to LA and rehearsals for the play he's in. So I find myself ...
100 years old
The Secret of Long Life
As many of you know, yesterday we celebrated my mom, Luza's 100th birthday. Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes. I printed them all out and they're going in her newest scrapbook, but that's not important right now. When you reach a certain age, in this case, 100 years, people often ask, "So, what's your ...
The Random Italian Thing or Mac and Cheese for All
We're getting ready to celebrate my mom, Luza's 100th birthday in another week. And of course, as we're trying to put this thing together, we've tried to include her in as many decisions as possible.She doesn't care much about the decorations, she says. She trusts us with those, as long as they are bright, not just one ...
As you know, my mom, Luza, is 97 years old. She has four siblings who are all in their 90's, except for one... Her big brother just celebrated his 100th birthday in Miami this past weekend.Tio Fernando is one hundred years old. (I know. Shut up!) I don't know what genetic material these people are made of, I just hope I have a tenth of ...