I'm headed out to Nashville, Tennessee for the Blissdom Blogging Conference 2012. I'm so looking forward to my time there! I'll be staying with my good friend and partner in Tiki Tiki and Blog Crime, Carrie Ferguson Weir.I promise to share all the wonders of Nashville if I can figure out how to blog from my smart phone. (That would ...
Archives for February 2012
This Woman Deserves a Party…
My mom will be 98(!) next week. This means it's time to plan a party.For obvious reasons it won't be a surprise party. ;-) I'd love to share your birthday greetings with her. Please leave a comment on this post in English or Spanish. I know Luza will be thrilled to hear from you. ...
Modern Day Thank You Notes
I have a love/hate relationship with the digital age we live in. I kind of hate that unless your phone is turned completely off anyone can find you at any time. For the record, I never, ever turn my phone off. Not while I have kids out in the world, which is most all the time, but that's not important right now. But I love when friends send me ...
Gratuitous Photos of My Four Kids
All my creative energy is going into my kitchen remodel. Well, most of it. Another high percentage of my creative energy is going into designing sets and costumes for the high school production of Grease (Jonathan will be playing the role of Sonny). And did I mention that we've torn up the downstairs bathroom? Probably not, because I'm ...
The Biggest Insult
My kids are generally pretty nice to each other. Of course, there are the occasional sibling fights that crop up when someone's in a foul mood or has had a bad day and chooses to take it out on those closest to them. For the most part, they get along great and are friends. The exception being that the older ones would take advantage of the ...