Every year we make a large batch of Cremé de Vie or Cuban Egg Nog, if you will.Photo: Jae C. Hong, AP And every year we toast, "El año que viene estamos en Cuba." "Next year in Cuba." This started in December of 1961. We had been in this country for a little less than a year and it was obvious that the whole silly revolution ...
Cuban exiles
The Cubans: Our Footprints Across America (A Winner)
When I first read Fernando Hernandez's book, The Cubans; Our Footprints Across America, I was intrigued. I read through and was impacted by two things:The scope and reach of the Cuban community is not a small thing. Our stories are so familiar and yet absolutely unique.Thank you all who left such beautiful and poignant comments about your ...
Cuando Sali de Cuba – Gustavo’s Story
Marta here: Through my blog I've been privileged to meet so many wonderful Cubans, who represent the very best of our Cuban exile community. One author in particular has been an inspiration to me since my very first blog post right here on My Big, Fat, Cuban Family titled, like his book, Life on the hyphen... His name is Gustavo ...
When I was very small, maybe about 5 years old, my parents took me to Santiago de Cuba to visit "El Cobre." Santiago de Cuba is about five hundred plus miles from the city of Havana. I remember it being a long and dusty car trip. But we got to stay in a hotel and eat at restaurants. This is pretty much all I can recall about the travel itself, but ...
Cuando Sali de Cuba – Luis Felipe’s Story
Marta here. I started this series, Cuando Sali de Cuba, Stories of Courage and Hope in order to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month: Cuban-Style. I asked my readers to send me their stories about how their families left Cuba and how they ended up here in the U.S. As the stories began pouring in, I realized that this needed to be an ongoing series. ...
Cuando Sali de Cuba – So many stories… and a giveaway
As you know, I am passionate about story telling. I believe it's important for all of us to record our personal histories. Much more so those of us whose stories are woven into a larger historical context. I've been so honored to be able to share some of your stories recently in the series Cuando Sali de Cuba: stories of courage and ...
Cuando Sali de Cuba – Mica’s Story
Marta here. I hope you're enjoying this series: Cuando Sali de Cuba, stories of courage and hope. Every time I receive an email with "Cuando Sali de Cuba" in the subject line I get super excited. I seriously love that you are all so generous to share your lives with this blog. I know so many of these stories ...
Cuando Sali de Cuba – Lillian’s Story
Marta here. I started collecting stories from other Cuban Americans to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. I realize now that our stories will take much longer than just a month to tell, so I'm expanding this series for as long as I have contributed stories to share. Thank you, my friends, for the privilege of letting me tell about your ...